Виробництво журналів про культуру

“On How to Favour Democracy Through Cultural Magazines”
Workshop at School of Journalism, Kyiv Mohyla Academy
17-19 of November 2008

Sophie Engström, LiveJournal “Culmag-Workshop”

The workshop On how to favour Democracy Through Cultural magazines was a bilateral project between Medieverstäderna i Göteborg, Sweden, and the School for Journalism at Mohyla University in Kyiv, Ukraine. Participants in the workshop was first year students from School of Journalism, Mohyla. Second year students attended partiually. The workshop mainly focused on Swedish context and the lectures were preformed by Sophie Engström and Carl Forsberg. The main goal with the workshop was to strive to promote the development of cultural magazines and democratic debate in Ukraine.

The workshop was developed and planned in cooperation by representativs from Medieverkstäderna and School of Journalism.

The project was financed by Medieverstädernas International Funding and Swedish Institute.

17th of November
First day was introduced with a brief introduction by Carl Forsberg, Sophie Engström, Medieverkstäderna i Väst and about the project. Carl Forsberg continued with an overview over the context of Swedish culture magazines. He focused on the legal, economical and practical aspects, how the national funding for culture magazines was established in Sweden and what this implied for the development of the unique Swedish magazine scene. The students were active and made many comparisons with Ukrainian situation that differs from Swedish context.
During the last part of the day carl Forsberg and Sophie Engström introduced three different topics for discussions that students should work with the second and third day of the workshop.
Both first year and second year students took part of the first day.
Notable! The Swedish ambassador John-Christer Åhlander and Tatjana Nekrasova, Culture, Press and Information officer at the Swedish embassy, was attending the first part of the day.

18th of November
If the first day had a more general approach on the topic, the second day was thought to give the students closer insight in certain issues concerning Swedish culture magazines. The different issues that was highlighted was layout, gender perspective, online magazines and international connections.
The last part of the second day was focusing on the group work. All the students where divided into three groups. Their work was conducted by Sophie Engström, Carl Forsberg and Tanya Lockot.
First year students took part of the second day.

19th of November
During the last day all students finishing the work with their group work. Each group had a presentation about the results of their mini research. The results were discussed in the open group.
The day finished with a conclusive discussion with the students, about what was gained though the workshop.

Future cooperation
School of Journalism at Kyiv Mohyla Academy and Medieverkstäderna i Göteborg, decided to continue, increase and deepen their cooperation and those will be presented here soon.

Sophie Engström, Flickr Gallery




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